Leveling guide for Path of Exile 2 based on community knowledge

--== ACT 1 ==--

In The Riverbank
Kill The Bloated Miller then enter town
In Town
Hand in quests and head out to Clearfell
In Clearfell
Kill Beira of the Rotten Pack. She's North/North East of the waypoint. Rewards 10% Cold Res.
Find the entrance to The Grelwood.
In The Grelwood
Find the waypoint and talk to the quest NPC. Usually central.
Find the entrance to The Grim Tangle, take the waypoint, and go back to The Grelwood.
Find the entrance to The Red Vale and go through.
In The Red Vale
Find the three obelisks and get the three quest items.
After getting the third, WP to town and talk to Renly to acquire the Runed Spikes. WP to The Grelwood.
In The Grelwood
Summon and talk to Una.
Stab the tree with your runed spikes then talk to Una.
Go back to town, talk to NPCs, then head to The Grim Tangle via waypoint to The Grelwood.
In The Grim Tangle
Find the entrance to the Cemetery of The Eternals. The Druid boss can be skipped.
In Cemetary of The Eternals
Find Mausoleum of the Praetor and kill the boss in there.
Find the Tomb of the Consort and kill the boss in there.
Talk to Lachlann, open the gate, and kill him. ☹
In Hunting Grounds
Find and kill The Crowbell. Rewards two skill points.
Find and enter Ogham Farmlands.
In Ogham Farmlands
Find Una's lute. Usually around the center of the zone. Rewards 2 skill points.
Find and kill Vargir The Feral Mutt in the Crop Circle. Drops a level 4 skill gem.
Find and take the entrance to Ogham Village and WP back to the Hunting Grounds.
In Hunting Grounds
Find and enter Freythorn.
In Freythorn
Do all 4 rituals, killing The King in the Mists at the end. Rewards 30 spirit.
TP back to town and waypoint to Ogham Village.
In Ogham Village
If it's your first character of the league; Find Smithing Tools.
Find and kill The Executioner
In The Manor Ramparts
Find the entrance to to Ogham Manor. This is always in the opposite direction of the waypoint after you zone in.
In Ogham Manor
Find and go down stairs twice
Find elevator to boss, kill boss, go back to town
In Town
If it's your first character of the league; Talk to Renly to turn in the smithing tools
Talk to The Hooded One to go to act 2

--== ACT 2 ==--

In Vastiri Outskirts
Find and kill Rathbreaker
Portal back to camp, enter The Ardura Caravan
In Town
Speak to everyone then use the desert map to go to Mawdun Quarry
In Mawdun Quarry
Find and take the entrance to Mawdun Mine
In Mawdun Mine
Talk to Risu then portal back to town
In Town
Talk to Risu, then use desert map to go to The Halani Gates gates
Talk to Sekhema Asala at the gates, go back to the caravan, talk to Risu again, then to Sekhema Asala again
Use desert map to go to The Halani Gates gates again
In Traitor's Passage
Find and kill Basala, pick up the Djinn Barya quest item
Find the entrance to The Halani Gates
In The Halani Gates
Find and kill Jamanra, the Risen King. Stay close to the canyon. Cross the canyon 3 times to find the boss.
Go down the stairs and to the bottom right of the zone, then back to town
In Town
Use the desert map to go to the Trial of Sekhemas
Talk to everyone, then use desert map to go to Keth
In Keth
Kill Kabala, Constrictor Queen, the constrictor queen. Rewards 2 skill points.
Kill snakes until you find the Kabala Clan relic.
Find and enter The Lost City
In The Lost City
Find Entrance and go to Buried Shrines, then the Heart of Keth
Talk to Halani, the Water Goddess, loot the cinders, burn the goddess, loot the essence of water.
Head back to town.
In Town
Use desert map to go to Mastodon Badlands
In Mastodon Badlands
Find the Entrance to The Bone Pits
In The Bone Pits
Find and kill the zone boss and loot the horn
Kill Hyenas until you found the sun clan relic
TP back to town.
In Town
Use desert map to go to Valley of the Titans
In Valley of the Titans
Find and click the three ancient seals
Find the medallion and place the two relics in there. Rewards a permanent buff.
Find and take the entrance to The Titan Grotto
In Titan Grotto
Find and kill the boss, then go back to town
In Town
Talk to Zarka, then Sekhema Asala
Use the desert map to travel to the halani gates
Go to the front of the caravan and sound the horn
Use the desert map to travel to Deshar
In Deshar
Find the final letter on a corpse on the ground. Rewards two skill points on hand in.
Find the entrance to the path of mourning
Go the The Path of Mourning
In The Path of Mourning
Find the entrance to The Spires of Deshar
In The Spires of Deshar
Find the sisters of Garukhan
Find and kill Tor Gul, the Defiler
Portal back to town
In Town
Turn in the final letter at Shambrin
Talk to everyone, then use desert map to go to The Dreadnought
In The Dreadnought
Find the entrance to The Dreadnought vanguard, then find and kill Jamanra, the Abomination
Portal back to town
In Town
Leave the Caravan and talk to The Hooded One
Go back to the Caravan and talk to Sekhema Asala to go to Act 3

--== ACT 3 ==--

In Sandswept Marsh
Find the entrance to the Ziggurat Encampment (town).
In Town
Talk to everyone and entrance into Jungle Ruins
In Jungle Ruins
Find the entrance to The Venom Crypts (near waypoint)
Find and kill Mighty Silverfist
Find and go through the entrance to Infested Barrens
In Infested Barrens
Find the entrance to Chimeral Wetlands. Enter zone, take waypoint, backtrack to Infested Barrens.
Find the entrance to The Azak Bog. Enter zone, take waypoint, backtrack to Infested Barrens.
Find the entrance to The Matlan Waterways and the waypoint.
Zone Note: Whichever waypoint you find last, use it to travel back to Jungle Ruins.
In Jungle Ruins
In Venom Crypts
Find the corpse for the venom phial, then go back to town
In Town
Go back to town, turn in phial at Servi for a reward. This can not be changed later.
In The Azak Bog
Optional: Find the Flameskin ritual and activate all, it gives 25% fire res and rarity for the rest of the zone
Find and kill Ignagduk, the Bog Witch. Rewards 30 spirit.
Go back to town and then to The Chimeral Wetlands
In The Chimeral Wetlands
Find the temple/Trial of Chaos.
In Jiquani's Machinarium
Find the first small soul core, then open the door
Find two more small soul cores
Find the entrance towards Jiquani's Sanctum
Find and kill Blackjaw, the Remnant. Rewards 10% fire res.
Checkpoint port to the entrance, then go to Jiquani's Sanctum
In Jiquani's Sanctum
Don't forget the activate the waypoint right after the entry.
Talk to Alva
Find two medium soul cores
Activate both generators. Place down a portal BEFORE you activate the second generator.
Portal back to town and waypoint back to the Jiquani's Sanctum.
Kill Zicoatl, Warden of the Core and loot the large soul core
Go back to Infested Barrens waypoint
In Infested Barrens
Insert the large soul core and go to The Matlan Waterways afterwards
In The Matlan Waterways
Activate every single lever to navigate through the zone, then activate the big one at the end
Tp back to town
In Town
Go down the stairs near the well / The Hooded One
Talk to Alva, enter The Drowned City
In The Drowned City
If it's your first character of the league; Find the entrance to The Molten Vault. Enter zone, take waypoint, backtrack to The Drowned City.
Find the entrance to The Apex of Filth. Enter zone, take waypoint, and if it's your first character of the league; backtrack to The Drowned City.
If it's your first character of the league; Enter the Molten Vault. Otherwise enter The Apex of Filth.
In The Molten Vault
Find and kill the boss, then talk to Oswald back in town
Enter The Apex of Filth
In The Apex of Filth
Find and kill The Queen of Filth, then portal back to town
In Town
Go down the stairs near the well / The Hooded One again, and enter The Temple of Kopec
In The Temple of Kopec
Go up the stairs twice, then kill Ketzuli, High Priest of the Sun
In Town
Talk to Alva and ride the elevator up
Go through the gateway, then down the stairs again to enter Utzaal
In Utzaal
Search and kill Viper Napuatzi.
Find the entrance to Aggorat and enter Aggorat.
In Aggorat
Follow the voices of the Trial of Atziri, go through to find the next checkpoint
Find the entrance towards The Black Chambers
Find the sacrificial table
Farm The Sacrificial Heart if you haven't found it yet.
Use the checkpoint to go the sacrificial table, loot the dagger, place the heart, stab the heart
Use the checkpoint to go to The Black Chambers
In The Black Chambers
Port back to town, walk through the gateway to enter Act 1 Cruel

--== ACT 1 Cruel ==--

In Town
Kill The Bloated Miller then enter town
Hand in quests and head out to Clearfell
In Clearfell
Kill Beira of the Rotten Pack. She's North/North East of the waypoint. Rewards 10% Cold Res.
Find the entrance to The Grelwood.
In The Grelwood
Find the waypoint and talk to the quest NPC. Usually central.
Find the entrance to The Grim Tangle, take the waypoint, and go back to The Grelwood.
Find the entrance to The Red Vale and go through.
In The Red Vale
Find the three obelisks and get the three quest items.
After getting the third, WP to town and talk to Renly to acquire the Runed Spikes. WP to The Grelwood.
In The Grelwood
Summon and talk to Una.
Stab the tree with your runed spikes then talk to Una.
Go back to town, talk to NPCs, then head to The Grim Tangle via waypoint to The Grelwood.
In The Grim Tangle
Find the entrance to Cemetery of the Eternals. The Druid boss can be skipped.
In Cemetary of The Eternals
Find Mausoleum of the Praetor and kill the boss in there.
Find Tomb of the Consort and kill the boss in there.
Talk to Lachlann, open the gate, and kill him. ☹
In Hunting Grounds
Find and kill The Crowbell. Rewards two skill points.
Find and enter Ogham Farmlands.
In Ogham Farmlands
Find Una's lute. Usually around the center of the zone. Rewards 2 skill points.
Find and take the entrance to Ogham Village.
In Ogham Village
In The Manor Ramparts
Find the entrance to Ogham Manor. This is always in the opposite direction of the waypoint after you zone in.
In Ogham Manor
Find and go down stairs twice
Find elevator to boss, kill boss, go back to town
In Town
Talk to The Hooded One to go to act 2

--== ACT 2 Cruel ==--

In Vastiri Outskirts
Find and kill Rathbreaker
Portal back to camp, enter caravan
In Town
Speak to everyone then use the desert map to go to Mawdun Quarry
In Mawdun Quarry
Find and take the entrance to Mawdun Mine
In Mawdun Mine
Talk to Risu then portal back to town
In Town
Talk to Risu, then use desert map to go to The Halani Gates
Talk to Sekhema Asala at the gates, go back to the caravan, talk to Risu again, then to Sekhema Asala again
Use desert map to go to The Halani Gates again
In Traitor's Passage
Find the entrance to The Halani Gates
In The Halani Gates
Find and kill Jamanra, the Risen King. Stay close to the canyon. Cross the canyon 3 times to find the boss.
Go down the stairs and to the bottom right of the zone, then back to town
In Town
Talk to everyone, then use desert map to go to Keth
In Keth
Kill Kabala, Constrictor Queen. Rewards 2 skill points.
Kill snakes until you find the Kabala Clan relic.
Find and enter The Lost City.
In The Lost City
Find entrance and go to the Buried Shrines, then the heart of keth
Talk to Halani, the Water Goddess, loot the cinders, burn the goddess, loot the essence of water.
Head back to town.
In Town
Use desert map to go to Mastodon Badlands
In Mastodon Badlands
Find the entrance to The Bone Pits
In The Bone Pits
Find and kill the zone boss and loot the horn
Kill hyenas until you found the sun clan relic
Tp back to town.
In Town
Use desert map to go to Valley of the Titans
In Valley of the Titans
Find and click the three ancient seals
Find the medallion and place the two relics in there. Rewards a permanent buff.
Find and take the entrance to The Titan Grotto
In The Titan Grotto
Find and kill the boss, then go back to town
In Town
Talk to Zarka, then Asala
Use the desert map to travel to the halani gates
Go to the front of the caravan and sound the horn
Use the desert map to travel to Deshar
In Deshar
Find the final letter on a corpse on the ground. Rewards two skill points on hand in.
Find the entrance to the path of mourning
Go the The Path of Mourning
In The Path of Mourning
Find the entrance to the Spires of Deshar
In Spires of Deshar
Find the sisters of Garukhan
Find and kill Tor Gul, the Defiler
Portal back to town
In Town
Turn in the final letter at Shambrin
Talk to everyone, then use desert map to go to the dreadnought
In The Dreadnought
Find the entrance to the Dreadnought Vanguard, then find and kill Jamanra, the Abomination
Portal back to town
In Town
Leave the The Ardura Caravan and talk to The Hooded One
Go back to The Ardura Caravan and talk to Sekhema Asala to go to Act 3

--== ACT 3 Cruel ==--

In Sandswept Marsh
Find the entrance to the Ziggurat Encampment (town).
In Town
Talk to everyone and entrance into Jungle Ruins
In Jungle Ruins
Find the entrance to The Venom Crypts (near waypoint)
Find and kill Mighty Silverfist
Find and go through the entrance to Infested Barrens
In Infested Barrens
Find the entrance to Chimeral Wetlands. Enter zone, take waypoint, backtrack to Infested Barrens.
Find the entrance to The Azak Bog. Enter zone, take waypoint, backtrack to Infested Barrens.
Find the entrance to The Matlan Waterways and the waypoint.
Zone Note: Whichever waypoint you find last, use it to travel back to Jungle Ruins.
In Jungle Ruins
In The Venom Crypts
Find the corpse for the venom phial, then go back to town
In Town
Go back to town, turn in phial at Servi for a reward. This can not be changed later.
In The Azak Bog
Find the Flameskin ritual and activate all, it gives 25% fire res and rarity for the rest of the zone
Find and kill Ignagduk. Rewards 30 spirit.
Go back to town and then to The Chimeral Wetlands
In The Chimeral Wetlands
In Jiquani's Machinarium
Find the first small soul core, then open the door
Find two more small soul cores
Find the entrance towards Jiquani's Sanctum
Find and kill Blackjaw. Rewards 10% fire res.
Checkpoint port to the entrance, then go to Jiquani's Sanctum
In Jiquani's Sanctum
Don't forget the activate the waypoint right after the entry.
Talk to Alva
Find two medium soul cores
"Activate both generators. Place down a portal BEFORE you activate the second generator."
Portal back to town and waypoint back to the Jiquani's Sanctum.
Kill Zicoatl, Warden of the core and loot the large soul core
Go back to Infested Barrens waypoint
In Infested Barrens
Insert the large soul core and go to The Matlan Waterways afterwards
In The Matlan Waterways
Activate every single lever to navigate through the zone, then activate the big one at the end
Tp back to town
In Town
Go down the stairs near the well / The Hooded One
Talk to Alva, enter The Drowned City
In The Drowned City
Find the entrance to The Apex of Filth. Enter zone, take waypoint, and if it's your first character of the league; backtrack to The Drowned City.
Enter The Apex of Filth.
In The Apex of Filth
Find and kill The Queen of Filth, then portal back to town
In Town
Go down the stairs near the well / The Hooded One again, and enter The Temple of Kopec
In The Temple of Kopec
Go up the stairs twice, then kill Ketzuli, High Priest of the Sun
In Town
Talk to Alva and ride the elevator up
Go through the gateway, then down the stairs again to enter Utzaal
In Utzaal
Search and kill Viper Napuatzi.
Find the entrance to Aggorat and enter Aggorat.
In Aggorat
Follow the voices of the Trial of Atziri, go through to find the next checkpoint
Find the entrance towards The Black Chambers
Find the sacrificial table
Farm The Sacrificial Heart if you haven't found it yet.
Use the checkpoint to go the sacrificial table, loot the dagger, place the heart, stab the heart
Use the checkpoint to go to The Black Chambers, enter The Black Chambers
In The Black Chambers
Port back to town, talk to Doryiana to finish the campaign!